Finalize/Unfinalize a Disc

If you wish to view your DVD-RW disc with -VR profile on a player, you must first finalize the disc. (Unfinalized discs cannot be viewed on some home disc players.) When you finalize a disc, no further data can be added to it, even if the disc contains sufficient space. However, you can unfinalized a disc in order to perform further editing functions (such as appending video, adding chapters, etc.).

To finalize or unfinalize a disc, do this:

  1. Start CyberLink PowerProducer.
  2. Click
    Disc Utilities
  3. Click
    . The Finalize or Unfinalize window opens (depending on state of the disc).
  4. Insert your disc and select your drive.
  5. Click
    to begin. CyberLink PowerProducer displays the real-time progress of the task.

Finalize/Unfinalize a Disc